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UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

DETROIT – UAW President Shawn Fain will address the UAW membership on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET tonight...

Read More UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

Read More UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging
Labor Day

Labor Day 2024- Heralding The Unsung Heroes

On September 2, Labor Day will once again be celebrated. The last fling of summer usually means cookouts, pool parties, a last weekend on the lake, an...

Read More Labor Day 2024- Heralding The Unsung Heroes



“The Answer is Solidarity”: New UAW Video Calls for Working Class Unity Against Donald Trump

In a new video, UAW President Shawn Fain outlines the stakes of this election, and the UAW’s political strategy centered on building working class unity to take on Donald Trump and the billionaire class, building off of the Stand Up Strike victories of 2023. 

Read More “The Answer is Solidarity”: New UAW Video Calls for Working Class Unity Against Donald Trump

UAW Raises Strike Pay

DETROIT – After a meeting of the UAW International Executive Board, the UAW announced today that it has increased its weekly strike pay for members from $275 per week to $400 per week. Eligibility for weekly benefits will still begin on the 8th day of a strike.

Read More UAW Raises Strike Pay

Statement of UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada Director of the UAW Stellantis Department on 2021 Profit Sharing Announcement

Detroit - During the 2019 Collective Bargaining with Stellantis, the UAW bargaining team fought hard for an enhanced profit sharing formula that more fairly distributed profit earnings based on the company's unique structure.

Read More Statement of UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada Director of the UAW Stellantis Department on 2021 Profit Sharing Announcement