Instructions for filing unemployment during the shut down
The Tulsa Bus Plant will have a temporary shutdown on Wednesday, August 30th and Thursday, August 31st. The Company attempted to file a Mass Unemployment claim on behalf of the employees but the State of Oklahoma would not approve as this was not a full week shutdown.
What this means for those off work during Aug 30 and Aug 31 is you will be responsible for filing your own initial claim.
You have two (2) options to file your claim.
Open or reestablish your claim online at no later than 11 p.m. on September 2, 2017;
Call the Service Center at 1-800-555-1554 by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2017.
Please indicate that your return to work date is Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Tip: If you file online, please do so before Thursday, August 31st in case you run into a problemyou can contact the Service Center on Friday.
File your weekly certification for week ending September 2, 2017
On Sunday, September 3, 2017 you must contact the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission online or by phone.
Reminder: Weekly claims filed 15 or more calendar days after the week has ended are considered untimely and in most cases will not be paid.
We apologize for not being in a position to file in behalf of all employees but this is what the State of Oklahoma Employee Security Commission is requiring.
In addition, since next week will follow a holiday (September 4th - Labor Day) weekend, you may request PPD for Wednesday, August 30th and Thursday, August 31st only. PPD will not be accepted on Tuesday, September 5th, if you plan to receive Holiday Pay for September 4th. If you are scheduled to work during the shutdown – your manager will notify you and the Human Resource department.